Special Sauce and Strategy with Brette Goldstein
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Executive Coaching:
Special Sauce and Strategy

Not enough time in the day to create and execute strategy aligned with you and your organization's Why? Do you feel that your day-to-day challenges and interruptions are all-consuming, preventing you from taking a step back to focus on the big picture? Do you not have the time or bandwidth to affect change, add value, or achieve your true potential in the role you said "yes" to?


Brette’s one job is to make your life easier. She will help you identify your Special Sauce  that thing about you that make us want to lean in and listen, and will help you build trust, rapport, and authentic connection with others. You will be able to put leadership skills into action and produce unparalleled results. She will help you focus on your objective and, together, you’ll co-create a strategy and plan of action.

Offered in person or via Zoom, coaching can be designed to meet your needs and goals.


  • Leaders haven't identified what it is about them that makes them likable, trustworthy, and charismatic

  • As a leader, you often feel set up to fail

  • It feels impossible to achieve goals because of ongoing meetings, interruptions, office politics, and other obligations

  • You haven’t had time to identify your team’s strengths and passions because you’re constantly putting out fires or playing mediator

  • When team morale is low, you're the person that they look to for a solution or blame for the problem

  • You want to be involved, but you can't be everywhere all at once.

  • Delegating is really hard  it's easier to just do it than to teach and trust

Smiling Woman


  • A sounding board, strategist, and another pair of eyes to help them embody the role they truly intended to step into on Day One

  • To understand their Special Sauce and how leaning into it can strengthen their relationships, communication, and confidence

  • To develop a deeper understanding of what makes them a good leader and colleague

  • To learn to identify and utilize the strengths of their individual team members, building trust, boosting morale, and shifting the team's dynamic

  • To get truly aligned with their passion and purpose

  • To develop time management, delegation, and self-care strategies to mitigate burnout

  • To be challenged to identify the limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of feeling powerful and empowered

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